Challenge: The Ghostly Ballroom - Teen

Jasper and Constance lead you into the Haunted Library's study where you find a book titled "Dancing with Shadows." While reading this book you learn about a secret ballroom hidden within the library's walls. Maybe you can find more about ballroom dancing and the history of dancing to figure out where the Ghostly Ballroom is, or a clue about where Phineas's lost book "The Phantom's Memoirs" is hidden.

When you complete 5 tasks, you will earn 5 points and a badge.

Ghostly Ballroom Badge

Read a book with dancing as a subject or in the plot of the story

Solve this word search puzzle

Try one of these beginner dance workouts or one of your own choosing

Watch the Evolution of Dance

Watch Naacho Naacho

Watch El Tango de Chair